We are a not-for-profit grassroots organization run by people who know the issues of ADHD because we all have it. From the vision of Sandy Slade we have been working for over a year now to help people with and affected by ADHD in Prince Edward Island. Our group's mission is to support Islanders with ADHD and their loved ones through education, advocacy, and peer support. Our goal is not just to help each other survive, but to see our fellow ADHDers thrive!
Current Executive Board:
Sandy Slade
Katie Rankin
Maggie Whitten Henry
Pam Boutilier
Support Group Facilitators:
(Photos coming)
Gina Ferguson
Leon Jesso
Julia Murnaghan
Chantal lavoie
Partner Organizations:
PEI Literacy Alliance
Adult ADHD Support Groups:
Our organization started with a weekly support group for adults with ADHD and that remains at the core of what we do. Our weekly meetings are open to people with ADHD, those who think they might have ADHD, loved ones of someone with ADHD and those who simply have questions about ADHD. We share support, resources and tips as well as providing an accepting environment where people with ADHD can feel comfortable.
We currently hold in-person meetings in Charlottetown and soon will also hold them in Summerside. We also have weekly online support group meetings hosted over Zoom.
Parents Support Group:
Our support group for parents of children with ADHD is an ongoing project that has had several iterations. Most activity currently takes place on our Parents Facebook Page.
ADHD PEI maintains and ever growing list of resources related to ADHD. You can find the most recent list by following the 'Resources' link along the top bar.
Facebook Group:
ADHD PEI runs three Facebook groups. 'ADHD PEI' is our public facing page, and a private page called 'ADHD PEI Support Group'. The ADHD PEI Group is open to everyone whose life is touched by ADHD or who has an interest in ADHD. By keeping the page reserved for people with a vested interest in ADHD we are able to have more in-depth discussions and provide support for each other.
ADHD PEI has a twitter page where we share relevant and fun information about ADHD.
From the beginning of our group through 2020 we had a quarterly newsletter with resources and information each month.
In 2021 the newsletter format was changed to a quarterly newsletter with updates on events and new developments within our organization as well as an update letter from our CEO Sandy Slade and a personal stories from one of our members.
If you would like to subscribe to our newsletter you can do so here.
ADHD Maker's Discord Server:
In 2022 we started a Discord server for members of the ADHD community who are into arts and crafts, or are serial hobby collectors. Join the server to share your knowledge and expertise or learn from others who approach hobbies with an ADHD point of view! If you are interested in joining our server you can do so here.
Other Events:
As we get adjusted to the new normal with COVID we are starting to move forward with some of our awesome ideas. Please watch our events page for details!